Wednesday, February 17, 2010

As Sharp As I Sting It Still Soothes You, Doesn't It? Like A Lick Of Ice Cream.

Where the time has gone! Shame on me for letting about 20 days go by without blogging. So let’s begin where I last left off; remember my dad’s 50th birthday? Well, it was a blast. We had all the family over and partied the night away; literally, until about 4am. I love having my family in town, we always just seem to have so much fun when it comes to talking, laughing, dancing and all of the above. EXTRA! EXTRA! Dad totally did a keg stand! But it all happened so quickly and I didn’t get a picture. Boo! However, I was able to capture a sentimental photo of Dad and his keg. I hope my dad takes this turn of century and drive over the hill for the better in his health and becoming wiser with age.

My birthday was Wednesday February 10 and let’s just say I celebrated it all week long; and, boy oh boy, was it a week to remember! On Monday night I was sitting at home when Katie came home from school and I begged her to come to Jacksonville Beach with me to watch our favorite band Hello Goodbye. Let me rewind real quick; Katie and I have been quite passionate with our love for Hello Goodbye since we were about 16, so anytime they’re in town we try to make a point to watch their show. Anyway, we go up to Jacksonville and unfortunately, we missed the band play but, we weren’t going to let that ruin our night. We decided we weren’t leaving the venue until we met those boys. You know that saying “you can do anything if you put your heart to it”? okay, easier done than said! We met our favorite boys! Not only did we just have a meet and greet, but we invited them to Monkey’s Uncle with us that night and they accepted! There were about 4 strangers at the bar and then Katie and I and the band and we had a super intimate dance party. DJ Sugar Bear spinning nothing less than the best of the 80’s and the boys of Hello Goodbye throwing nothing but the best dance moves! It was surely a night to remember. But! It doesn’t end there! Katie and I missed them so much on Tuesday morning that we decided to drive down to Ft. Lauderdale that afternoon to see them that night.

This is how you fill up on a road trip; gas station turkey sandwiches and tall boy brewskies.

Does it end there yet? Nope! Wednesday afternoon after Katie and I stocked up on empanadas and gas we were on our way back home to St. Augustine. About 10 minutes from I-4 we made a crazy decision to stop by Orlando and watch the boys play one more time while they were in Florida. They played a fantastic show where they proceeded to wish me a “Happy Birthday” on stage – I can now die happy. Although we may sound like total groupies – we’re not! We’re simply hanging out with our favorite boys!

The rest of the week was wonderful as well. Partied happy, laughed hard, danced almost too much and all was nothing short of simply marvelous. I have the greatest friends of all time and this was quite the sight for my eyes to see when I woke up Thursday morning; 99?!:

Oh wait, did I mention the time in Ft. Lauderdale when I had to pee? Yeah, real bad. So I stopped at a scary, trashy gas station – I just couldn’t hold it anymore! But hey, next time you think about not stopping at that ugly station, think twice! You could just maybe meet Flo Rida!

And to complete my week of complete silliness, please welcome, pointer hound, little Lucy to the family! What a babe!

And finally, has anyone checked out this toilet paper site? Turns out, 78% of Americans prefer their toilet paper to be over on the roll; 22% prefer under. Ew! Over all the way, people! Check out the site to see what others have to say. I’m heading to Vero Beach this Thursday and Friday with some lovely ladies and then off to Ft. Lauderdale on Saturday and Sunday for my cousin’s, Sabrina, baby shower. Aawww, another cousin just for me! Check back soon for an update on this wild weekend to come.

"Kid listen, pay attention,
You dont wan't to be me.
It's safter to watch it on T.V."

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